I’ve been photographing sports, people and lots of other cool things for over ten years.
I got my start in sports by shooting roller derby, first in Pittsburgh and then in Toronto, Guelph, Montreal and places in between. I’ve since branched out to shoot university and professional level sports, skate park action, trading card photos and an ongoing series of athlete portraits taken immediately after the game.
I was an accredited photographer at the first ever Roller Derby World Cup which was held December 2011 in Toronto. In 2014, I published my first coffee table book, Into Battle: The Roller Derby Experience in Photos and Interviews. In 2021, I launched my first online class, Introduction to Sports Photography, now available on Skillshare.
My photos of local roller derby bouts, WFTDA regional championships, international tournaments and the Roller Derby World Cup have appeared in CBC News stories, several local papers, Blood and Thunder magazine and many popular blogs, including The Derby Nerd, Pack It Up and DerbyLife.com.
I’m currently a sports, skate park and portrait photographer based in Toronto, Canada.